Semtech’s Laser Driver and Transceiver IC family includes superior laser drivers and receivers integrated for low cost, high performance optical communications systems. Semtech’s technology platform utilizes both Silicon Germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS and pure CMOS designs based on performance and cost requirements. Our laser driver and transceiver solutions range from 125Mbps to 100Gbps and beyond and enable NRZ, Burst Mode and PAM4 signaling. Key applications and markets include Data Centers, Access and PON and Wireless infrastructure.
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Power, latency and cost. The three horsemen of Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) data center interconnects. Each new generation of interconnect drives a lower mW/Gbps and dollar/Gbps. Power consumption is not just about data center operating expenses. It is also about sustainability.
Revolutionizing AI and ML Interconnects with…
立即阅读在 2018 年进行了大量演示和 alpha 模块测试之后,双密度版本的四通道小型可插拔 (QFSP) 多源协议 (MSA) 模块标准有望成为新线卡的规则。QSFP-DD 热潮的隐含意义不是模块本身的物理特性,而是转向先进信令方法的趋势。十年前,QSFP28 的问世预示着使用 NRZ 信令的 25Gbps 电通道即将占据主导地位。如今,QSFP-DD 及其更庞大的表亲 —— 八进制 SFP 或 OSFP ,都使用 PAM4 信令。其用得最多的是 50Gbps 通道。但 QSFP-DD 足够灵活,可以在各种实施中使用八通道接口:25G x 8 用于 200Gbit 以太网,50G x 8 用于 400Gbit 以太网,可能还有一些早期的 100G x 8 用于预标准 800Gbit 以太网。