Semtech 宣布业界最全面的 5G 无线前传产品组合量产出货

Semtech 宣布业界最全面的 5G 无线前传产品组合量产出货

ClearEdge、Tri-Edge 和 FiberEdge 平台为 5G 无线基站中使用的光模块提供数百万个 IC,处于市场领先地位

CAMARILLO, Calif., December 3, 2019 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, today announced 5G wireless volume shipments with Semtech’s industry leading ClearEdge® CDR platform.

Semtech 信号完整性产品事业部高级市场经理 Raza Khan 说:“Semtech 持续在 5G 无线业务方面取得巨大进展,我们可以为客户的下一代 5G 无线光模块设计提供支持。从 2019 年第四季度开始,我们完整的前传芯片组平台将批量出货,并在来年实现数百万个端口。客户将继续根据我们的性能、交付和支持优先考虑我们的设计。此外,Semtech 已引领着数据中心市场实现基于模拟 PAM4 的解决方案,并通过 Open Eye MSA 打造了一个完整的模拟 PAM4 生态系统。Semtech 将利用 PAM4 的这一领先优势,打造完整的 5G 无线 Tri-Edge CDR 产品组合。”

Most countries including China, Korea and the United States are now deploying 5G wireless services and many other countries have announced clear plans to deploy 5G wireless systems. Semtech expects the 5G wireless opportunity for Semtech to be significantly larger than 4G wireless, led by a higher number of 5G wireless base stations, as well as additional IC content per base station, since optical modules for 5G wireless utilize CDRs to ensure signal integrity, whereas 4G wireless does not.

当前的 5G 无线部署(第 1 阶段)在由 Semtech 完整的 ClearEdge CDR 平台支持的前传中使用 25 Gbps 光链路。未来 5G 无线的部署将实现新的应用,例如虚拟现实游戏、虚拟医疗应用和自动驾驶汽车。这些系统将需要更低的延迟和更高的带宽,并将利用从 2020 年底开始由 Semtech 的 Tri-Edge CDR 产品组合实现的 50 Gbps PAM4 光链路。

Semtech 是 4G 无线领域的领导者,拥有超过 80% 的市场份额,并凭借基于 PAM4 Tri-Edge 模拟的 IC 解决方案引领行业。因此,Semtech 处于独特的领先地位,可以引领 5G 无线市场并支持无线生态系统。

Semtech’s 5G wireless ClearEdge CDR Platform includes:

  • GN2139C: Bi-directional 24-26G ClearEdge CDR
  • GN2142: Bi-directional 24-28G ClearEdge CDR with Integrated DML driver
  • GN2146: Bi-directional 24-28G ClearEdge CDR with Integrated EML / MZM driver
  • GN2148: Single 24-28G ClearEdge CDR with Integrated VCSEL Driver
  • GN2149: Single 24-28G ClearEdge CDR with Integrated TIA
  • GN1081: 24-28G FiberEdge™ TIA
  • GN1086: Next generation 24-28G FiberEdge TIA

About Semtech’s Optical Products

Semtech 的光网络产品平台为行业领先企业使用的光模块解决方案提供了高性能信号完整性,适用于数据中心/企业网络、无线基础设施和无源光纤网络/光纤接入市场。有关更多信息,请访问

关于 Semtech

Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for high-end consumer, enterprise computing, communications, and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The Company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit


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Semtech, the Semtech logo and ClearEdge are registered trademarks or service marks, and FiberEdge is a trademarks or service marks, of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates.

