在 Semtech,我们开发颠覆性的技术平台,帮助我们的客户和合作伙伴打造各类解决方案,令地球变得更智能、更可持续。我们也为此深感自豪。

Behind our transformational technology is an impressive team of innovators from across the globe representing different cultures, backgrounds and experiences. Semtech’s Core Values serve as a uniting force and foster a productive and safe workplace for our employees to flourish.

Training & Development

Training and Development为培育最优秀的团队,我们的企业文化鼓励教育、创新、协作和个人职业发展。我们提供各种资源帮助员工提升技能,实现与公司愿景、使命和业务目标一致的职业目标,推动他们取得成功。员工有机会参加以下计划:

  • 卓越领导力计划
    Three-phased fundamentals and training curriculum for Semtech’s leadership facilitated by external specialists.

  • Performance Appraisal and Feedback
    SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) goal plans for employee performance reviews twice annually.

  • LinkedIn 学习中心
    Online intelligent skill-building library of 6,400 courses in seven different languages that empowers learners with personalized content. Each Semtech employee completes an average of seven development courses annually.

  • Coursera

  • 学费报销
    教育援助资金,支持员工在经认可的学校、学院或大学完成 2 年、4 年或研究生学位。

  • Annual Business and Compliance Training
    Semtech 还提供一些必修课程,帮助员工了解商业道德和多元化主题,包括行为准则、避免性骚扰、包容和归属、保护知识产权、贸易合规、数据隐私以及身心健康等。

Employee Well-being

Five pillars of Well-being

通过制定以下计划,Semtech 加强了对全球所有员工身心和财务福祉的承诺:

  • 福祉方案
    资源中心和互动应用,旨在基于 5 大福祉支柱来增强员工的健康和幸福感。

  • Employee Assistance Program
    A confidential resource for all employees and their dependents to connect with licensed therapists, financial specialists and legal professionals.

  • 混合工作模式
    A flexible model that supports a blend of in-office, remote and on-the-go working.

  • 长期奖励
    Eligible Semtech employees participate in Long-Term Incentive programs, including Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and time-based cash bonuses.

  • Parental Leave
    优化政策,为美国、加拿大和英国的正式、全职和兼职员工提供长达 20 周的带薪产假/孕假和育儿假。

  • Patent Awards & Inventor Royalties
    Awards that recognize and encourage the development of new technologies and provide an annual cash award for design engineers that are based on realized sales of these new technologies.

  • Dr. Binneg Y. Lao Award for Technology Innovation
    Annual cash and equity award to the design engineer or team that creates the most extraordinary and impactful technology innovation at Semtech.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Semtech believes that a culturally and geographically diverse team drives innovation, facilitates collaboration and delivers stronger business results. From our interns to our executives, we recognize inclusion as an essential part of our success, and actively support initiatives to increase the number of women and minorities in high tech.

  • STEM
    Semtech 是“Beautiful Connections”训练营的赞助商。该项目由麻省理工学院创建,旨在向 13 至 17 岁的女孩讲解计算理论并详细介绍 STEM 职业的优势。

  • 大学关系
    Semtech 与传统黑人大学 (HBCU) 合作举办招聘会,并赞助青年才俊学生组织,例如 Women in Engineering 和 Society of Women Engineers (SWE)。

  • 实习机会
    我们寻找合适的大学并与之合作,为 Semtech 的 10 周带薪实习计划招聘学生,提供工程、销售、IT 和金融等多个领域的技能发展。

  • 轮换计划
    Semtech offers a two-year rotation to recent graduates as regular full-time employees across different positions based on individual interests such as sales, product marketing, engineering, and account management.

  • Women in LeadershipWomen in Leadership
    We are committed to cultivating a culture of fairness and justice with gender equity practices being a major focus. Our female talent pipeline continues to grow and presently represents 20% of Semtech's managerial positions.


Our employees’ level of commitment, motivation and satisfaction are important drivers to success.

我们相信每一个声音都很重要。我们每年都会进行员工调查,以了解我们做得好的地方以及哪里可以继续改进。我们将 Semtech 员工的反馈结果与 Workforce Science Associates (WSA) 全球平均值的基准结果(由全球 282 个独特组织的 1.16 亿份调查回复生成)进行比较。

For 2022, the employee survey yielded an 84% participation rate from all Company employees. Findings indicated strengths in a unified commitment to Semtech’s Core Values and pride in Semtech’s products and services.


  • Immediate supervisor does great job managing work

  • 卓越的人员管理

  • Extremely satisfied with Semtech as a place to work

  • 会向他们认识的人推荐 Semtech

  • 很少考虑跳槽到另一家公司

  • Access to necessary resources to do job effectively

  • Departments collaborate effectively

  • 清晰界定的绩效目标



Semtech is diligent in monitoring and addressing any issues that may negatively affect the human or labor rights of our employees. This includes issues such as working hours, non-discrimination, prevention of forced labor, fair wages, and minimum age requirements. We provide an anonymous Employee Hotline to confidentially report any concerns employees may have to third-party provider, Ethico.

Semtech 是一个员工和办事处遍布全球的跨国公司。因此,我们严肃认真地承担起责任,保护那些直接或通过供应商间接为我们工作的员工。Semtech 打击人口贩运与奴役声明概述了我们的承诺,即致力于解决和规避公司运营中以及整个供应链中的现代奴役和人口贩运风险。