SX1261、SX1262 和 SX1268 sub-GHz 无线电收发器非常适合长距离无线应用。这两款器件均专为实现长电池寿命而设计,仅 4.2 mA 的有源接收会消耗电量。SX1261 的传输功率高达 +15dBm,而 SX1262 和 SX1268 可以通过高效集成功率放大器实现高达 +22dBm 的传输功率。
这些器件支持 LPWAN 用例的 LoRa® 和长距离 FHSS 调制以及传统用例的 (G)FSK 调制。这些器件具有高度可配置性,能够利用全球 LoRaWAN® 标准或专有协议满足不同的应用要求。
这些器件的设计符合 LoRa Alliance® 发布的 LoRaWAN 规范的物理层要求。
该无线电适用于需要满足无线电法规要求的系统,这些法规包括但不限于 ETSI EN 300 220、FCC CFR 47 Part 15、中国监管要求和日本 ARIB T-108。其覆盖从 150MHz 到 960MHz 的连续频率,从而可以支持全球所有主要的 Sub-GHz ISM 频段。
- LoRa 和 FSK 调制解调器
- 170dB maximum link budget (SX1262 / 68)
- +22 dBm 或 +15 dBm 高效率 PA
- Low RX current of 4.6mA
- 集成 DC-DC 转换器和 LDO
- Programmable bit rate up to 62.5kbps LoRa and 300kbps FSK
- 灵敏度高:低至 -148 dBm
- 在 1 MHz 偏置时,可抗 88 dB 干扰
- 在 LoRa 模式下,共信道抑制为 19 dB
- 内置位同步器,可用于时钟恢复
- 自动信道活动检测 (CAD) 与超快速 AFC
SX1261/2 内的集成水平和低消耗使新一代的物联网应用成为可能。
- 智能电表
- 供应链和物流
- 楼宇自动化
- 农业传感器
- 智慧城市
- 零售店传感器
- 资产跟踪
- 街道照明
- 倒车雷达
- 环境传感器
- 医疗保健
- 安全传感器
- 遥控应用
- SX1262IMLTRT | 卷带包装 | 3000 颗
Pb(Lead)-Free/RoHS-Green Info
(-40°C 至 +85°C / 4000 循环)
(50°C,4000 小时)
Related Parts
Datasheets & Documentation
- AN1200.28: MCU Requirements for LoRaWAN
- AN1200.33: Crystal Oscillator Trimming
- AN1200.35: Software Manchester Encoding for the SX1261/2
- AN1200.36: RxDutyCycle with the SX1261/2
- AN1200.37: Recommendations for Best Performance (thermal relief)
- AN1200.40: Reference Design Explanation for the SX1261/62
- AN1200.48: LoRa Channel Activity Detection (CAD) with SX126x
- AN1200.53: Transmitting and receiving packets longer than 255 bytes on the SX1261/62
- AN1200.54: SX126x Adaptive Matching and Configuration for Multiband Operation
- AN1200.58: Application note for Long-Range FHSS Demo
- AN1200.59: Selecting the Optimal Reference Clock
- AN1200.62: Best Practices for FCC Pre-Compliance testing of LoRaWAN Modules
- AN1200.64: LR-FHSS System Performance
- AN1200.66: PCB Design Guidelines
- AN1200.73: SX126x/LR11xx SigFox Modulation
- AN1200.80: LoRa® Modem Doppler Immunity
- AN1200.81: Doppler Immunity of the LR-FHSS Modem
- AN1200.91: Design guide for the SX1261/62 IPD
- AN1200.94: LoRaWAN Theory for One-Channel Hub
- AN1200.96: One-Channel Hub Hardware and Regulatory Aspects
- TN1300.01: How to Qualify a LoRaWAN Device in Europe
- Introduction: SX126x Development Kits Part Numbers
- Shield: SX1262MB1CAS 915 MHz RF Module (used in the SX1262DVK1CAS Development Kit for North America)
- Shield: SX1262MB1DAS 866 MHz RF Module (used in the SX1262DVK1DAS Development Kit for India)
- Shield: SX1262MB1PAS 915 MHz RF Module (used in the SX1262DVK1PAS Development Kit for Australia)
- Shield: SX1262MB2CAS 915 MHz mbed Shield
- SX1261/62 Miniaturized Ref Design with Johanson Technology IPD (see AN1200.70)
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ABI Research projects that by 2026, LoRa® will be the leading non-cellular LPWAN technology, accounting for over half of all non-cellular connections.ByMay 2024,6.9Mgateways with LoRaIntegrated Circuits (ICs)had been deployed worldwide, supporting over 350 百万个基于 LoRa 的终端节点。 As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand globally and LoRa-enabled applications gain traction across industries, nearly every business sector stands to benefit from the capabilities and advantages offered by connected devices.
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